Hi! I'm Nicole, and I'm so glad you're here! My background is primarily in elementary education, as a classroom teacher for 6 years, and also as a literacy learning strategist. I am passionate about helping people learn, whether it's with students in the classroom, providing support to new educators, training volunteers, or creating content that disseminates new research on education to teachers and building leaders.
My background in education has sparked a desire to create meaningful learning experiences for adults in the workforce. As a lifelong learner, I am constantly seeking new ways to engage and inspire. Please feel free to take a look at some of the products I've created over the years!
This infographic was designed to provide instruction on the creation of reading small groups for elementary educators at my school site. This was provided as a handout in conjunction with a specific training administered at the beginning of the school year.
This slide deck was created to provide training on effective vocabulary instruction for the K-5 teaching staff at my school site. I created the slide deck, sourced the content, and delivered the presentation to the staff. This deck was also given to other grade level chairs to present to their individual teams if needed.
This site was created as a project for Gifted and Talented students to complete on their own time. This webquest sends students on a learning journey where they are tasked with creating a presentation about what they have learned about the rainforest, as well as solving a fictional problem based on the materials provided on the site and through their own research. Embedded on the Process page are a few assignments to complete that I created to match the overall theme of the project.
The videos below were created to demonstrate different reading lesson techniques for elementary teachers to reference during distance learning. These were model lessons only with no actual students involved.